스시샵 매매합니다._문의- SBX business brokers 제이슨 (0426260962)/ 가격 35만불
General Description
Restaurant and takeaway serving Japanese / Korean cuisine - Presenting an exceptional opportunity to acquire a thriving restaurant in a high-achieving university area- Stable catering orders from inside and outside of university, boarding house and faculties, Japanese/Korean community, embassies, external functions etc- Customer base includes university staff and students, visitors for activities like seminar, academic conference and events. Full kitchen setup with exhaust and grease trap.
Could expand catering and functions - Extend operating hours as there are lots of foot traffic in the evenings. - Also open on the weekends to cater for students and staff who live on campus. -Would suit owner operator or 2 working partners. - Huge potential for student numbers to increase.
Well-established 7 days a week- Ideal location with high foot traffic and no nearby competition for sushi menu - Favourable lease terms with low weekly rent and long term security. A highly profitable and secure investment opportunity
Well located in the heart of a large university in the middle of a building in main commercial hub in the Canberra area.
Seek Title
Restaurant-Takeaway-Sushi -University Location-Weekly Sales $13,852 - ACT
Seek Summary
University restaurant and takeaway serving Japanese cuisine - Net profit $7,590 p.w. - Canberra-High foot traffic and strong catering opportunity
Title Other Websites
Restaurant -Takeaway- Sushi- in a hub in a major University campus - ACT
스시샵 매매합니다._문의- SBX business brokers 제이슨 (0426260962)/ 가격 35만불
General Description
Restaurant and takeaway serving Japanese / Korean cuisine - Presenting an exceptional opportunity to acquire a thriving restaurant in a high-achieving university area- Stable catering orders from inside and outside of university, boarding house and faculties, Japanese/Korean community, embassies, external functions etc- Customer base includes university staff and students, visitors for activities like seminar, academic conference and events. Full kitchen setup with exhaust and grease trap.
Could expand catering and functions - Extend operating hours as there are lots of foot traffic in the evenings. - Also open on the weekends to cater for students and staff who live on campus. -Would suit owner operator or 2 working partners. - Huge potential for student numbers to increase.
Well-established 7 days a week- Ideal location with high foot traffic and no nearby competition for sushi menu - Favourable lease terms with low weekly rent and long term security. A highly profitable and secure investment opportunity
Well located in the heart of a large university in the middle of a building in main commercial hub in the Canberra area.
Seek Title
Restaurant-Takeaway-Sushi -University Location-Weekly Sales $13,852 - ACT
Seek Summary
University restaurant and takeaway serving Japanese cuisine - Net profit $7,590 p.w. - Canberra-High foot traffic and strong catering opportunity
Title Other Websites
Restaurant -Takeaway- Sushi- in a hub in a major University campus - ACT